Why Does it Snow?
We all love when it snows. We like to build a snowman, have snowball fights, make snow angels, and etc..but do you know why and how it snows? We'll there are a lot of theories that show why and how it snows. There is one specific reason that I think is true. It snows in 98% of the states in the U.S.A. Can you guess what state it doesn't snow in? It doesn't snow in Florida.
Snow occurs when cold temperatures transform the water vapor in the atmosphere into a solid state of ice directly. This means that it doesn't first go through the liquid stage. When the temperature rises up again the snow melts back into liquid water. Also snow forms when water vapor condenses and freezes into ice crystals. Also, as the ice crystals fall from clouds, they melt and then refreeze. This creates larger ice crystals which produce fluffy snow.
What is Snow?
Well snow is frozen precipitation formed from ice crystals within clouds. In cold climates, snow can compact and refreeze into ice, forming massive glaciers like as in Antarctica. Normally, snow falls in Winter. It might be produced in large quantities from moist air that is rapidly pushed to higher altitude, or from very moist air over large bodies of water.
What To Do In The Snow
Snow is usually annoying to adults because they have to shovel it and drive through it. Snow is fun to kids and winter Olympians. Snow is fun to kids because they can build snowmans, make snow angels, have snowball fights with friends, drink hot cocoa after playing in the freezing snow, etc. Snow is fun to winter olympians and other people who like to skiing, sledding, snowboarding, and snowmobiles. Snow is fun to a lot of people accept to adults who hate shovling and driving in the snow.
So now you know why, how, and what to do in the snow. I challenge you to find out why it doesn't snow in Florida and why it snows so much in the other states of the U.S.A. This is why it snows!