Should School be Year-Round?
Should school be year round? Well, that's what Governor Chris Christie thinks. Currently the issue is whether or not school should be year round.School should not be year round because teachers and students will stressed out, students will tune out more, and you'll get tired from all of the learning. This is why I think that school should not be year round.
School should not be year round because teachers and students will get stressed out. This is because you have to wake up early every weekday morning and that'll get you stressed out. Also, you'll get stressed out from wondering about what the students need to learn that day and what they need to accomplish that day. This is one reason why school should not be year round.
Another idea, school should not be year round is because students will tune out more because of the heat. As you know the Summer is extremely hot/warm. People can't pay attention when their shirts are sticking to their back or when there is sweat dripping down your sweaty forehead. Don't you agree? Also, when it is warm / hot out side you can't pay attention because your mind will be thinking about the beach and hanging out with friends and going to the mall, etc.
Lastly, school shouldn't be year round because you'll get tired from all of the learning. You need a break from all of the learning. Also, all of the information goes in one ear and out the other ear. This is the third and last reason why school shouldn't be year round.
What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Well, school shouldn't be year round because teachers and students will stressed out, students will tune out more, and you'll get tired from all of the learning. What do you think?
I challenge you to write an essay about which side you agree on and why. Now it is your time to decide. What is your decision.